Considering that 70% of Gen Z and 78% of millennials find User-Generated Content (UGC) influential in their purchase decisions, why not capitalize on this and integrate your brand’s UGC into your advertisements? This approach promises to deliver a double return on investment, making it a mutually beneficial strategy!

This captivating and authentic content, willingly created by everyday users, has revolutionized how brands connect with their audiences. It’s not just a trend; it’s a marketing strategy here to stay. Let’s talk more about this. Shall we?

What are UGC Ads?

UGC Ads are a form of advertising in which brands harness content created by their customers, fans, or users. UGC Ads feature photos, videos, reviews, testimonials, and other content voluntarily shared by individuals who have had positive experiences with a brand’s products or services.

User-generated content has become a powerful tool in modern advertising, transforming how brands connect with their audience. Here are a few real-world UGC examples and case studies that highlight the significance of UGC in advertising:

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Benefits of UGC Ads

1. Authenticity:

Trust and Credibility: According to a study by Stackla, 86% of consumers believe authenticity is critical in deciding which brands they like and support. When consumers see UGC, they often perceive it as more trustworthy because it comes from real people. 

For example, clothing brand REI saw a 26% increase in engagement on Instagram after encouraging customers to share their outdoor adventure photos. The authenticity of these posts resonated with their audience and increased trust in the brand.

Real-Life Experiences: UGC often showcases real-life experiences with products and services. Airbnb, for instance, found that listings with more UGC images receive 20% more bookings. 

Travelers trust the photos and reviews shared by other travelers because they represent authentic experiences rather than staged promotional content.

2. Cost-Effective:

Leveraging Existing Content: One of the significant cost advantages of UGC is that it leverages content that customers create voluntarily. This content is often available for free or at a much lower cost than producing professional marketing materials. 

For instance, Starbucks encouraged customers to design their cups, and the winning designs became limited-edition holiday cups. Starbucks saved on design and UGC marketing costs while engaging their customers in a creative process.

Reducing Production Costs: Creating high-quality marketing content, such as photoshoots and professional videos, can be expensive. UGC eliminates the need for such costly production efforts. 

GoPro, a brand known for action cameras, relies heavily on UGC. They save money on producing their promotional content by showcasing the breathtaking videos and images captured by their customers during real adventures.

Incorporating UGC into your marketing strategy enhances authenticity and customer trust and provides a cost-effective source of engaging content. It can lead to significant savings in marketing expenses while delivering compelling and genuine messages that resonate with your audience.

Must Read – How to Run UGC Campaigns

Types of UGC Ads

1. Social Media:

  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: Customers leave reviews and ratings on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Amazon. Brands often display these ratings and reviews on their websites to build trust and transparency. For instance, Amazon showcases user ratings and reviews on product pages, influencing purchase decisions.
  • Customer Testimonials: Customers share positive experiences with a brand’s products or services. Brands can collect and feature these testimonials on their website, marketing materials, or social media. For example, a hotel might highlight a customer’s glowing review in an ad campaign to attract more guests.
  • User-Generated Images and Videos: Customers share photos and videos showcasing their experiences with a product or service on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. Brands can request permission to repurpose these visuals in their marketing. GoPro, for instance, compiles user-generated action footage into captivating promotional videos.

2. Influencer Marketing:

  • Collaboration with Influencers: Brands collaborate with social media influencers who have a significant following and align with their products or services. Influencers create content featuring the brand and share it with their audience. For instance, Zara might partner with a popular fashion influencer to showcase its latest collection.
  • Influencer-Generated Content: Influencers often create high-quality content that the brand can repurpose. For example, a beauty brand may partner with a makeup artist influencer who creates tutorials and reviews using the brand’s products. The brand can then use this content on its platforms.

3. Online Reviews and Comments:

  • Displaying Positive Feedback: Brands often highlight positive comments and reviews on their website and social media. This showcases customer satisfaction and encourages others to share their positive experiences. For example, a restaurant may display a customer’s comment praising their food and service on their website.
  • Addressing Negative Feedback: While not strictly “advertising,” addressing negative feedback transparently and professionally can turn a potentially damaging situation into a positive one. Brands can show they care about their customers’ experiences and are actively working to improve. An airline, for instance, might respond to a traveler’s complaint on social media and offer a solution.

4. UGC Video Ads:

  • Reels: Short UGC video content on UGC platforms like Instagram that showcases real people using products or services. For example, a fitness brand might compile customer workout videos into a Reels ad.
  • YouTube Shorts/Videos: Brands can curate and repurpose user-generated content from YouTube Shorts or other short-form videos that feature their products or services. For instance, a travel agency might use vacation vlogs that customers have shared.
  • Facebook: Facebook offers opportunities for brands to leverage user-generated video content. For instance, a tech company might run Facebook ads featuring customers’ video testimonials or unboxing videos.

These various types of UGC ads offer brands diverse ways to engage with their audience, build trust, and leverage their customers’ and influencers’ creativity and experiences.

Best UGC Ads Platforms 

These are the best UGC ad platforms for brands:

  1. TINT
  2. Bazaarvoice
  3. Tagbox
  4. Crowdriff
  5. Billo


best ugc ads platform

TINT is a user-generated content platform that excels in curating and displaying UGC from various social media channels. 

It empowers brands to harness real-time content updates and offers moderation capabilities for a seamless experience. 

With TINT, businesses can leverage the power of user-generated content to enrich their websites, events, and other marketing channels

2. Bazaarvoice

ugc ads platform

Bazaarvoice is a specialized UGC platform that focuses on customer reviews and ratings. It allows brands to collect and showcase valuable customer feedback to build trust and influence purchase decisions. 

Bazaarvoice is an essential UGC tool for companies looking to amplify their online presence by harnessing the voices of their satisfied customers.

3. Tagbox

tagbox - ugc ads platform

Tagbox is a versatile UGC platform designed to streamline the collection and display of user-generated content for businesses. 

It offers comprehensive moderation and analytics features to ensure brand safety and track campaign performance. 

Tagbox simplifies the process of aggregating content from diverse sources, such as social media and reviews, making it an ideal choice for brands seeking to showcase authentic user experiences and engage with their audience effectively.

4. Crowdriff

ugc ads platform

Crowdriff is a visual UGC platform geared towards the travel and hospitality industry. It specializes in curating and displaying user-generated images and videos. 

Businesses in this sector can use Crowdriff to showcase authentic destination photos and experiences, captivating travelers and boosting engagement.

5. Billo

ugc ads software

Billo is an emerging UGC platform known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface. It provides businesses with the tools to collect, moderate, and display user-generated content on their websites and marketing materials. 

Billo also offers customization options, ensuring that brands can match the aesthetics of their UGC displays with their unique identity, making it an accessible choice for those seeking a straightforward UGC solution.

Implement UGC Ads in Marketing

1. Legal Considerations:

Obtaining User Consent: It is crucial to obtain explicit consent from the creators of user-generated content (UGC) before using it in your marketing campaigns. For instance, if you plan to feature a customer’s photo in an advertisement, you should seek their permission and clearly explain how the content will be used. Make sure to document these permissions to avoid legal issues.

Example: An apparel brand may ask customers to submit photos with a specific hashtag and include a consent clause in the contest’s terms and conditions.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues: When using user-generated content, be aware of copyright and intellectual property laws. Ensure that your content doesn’t violate any copyrights or trademarks. For instance, if customers share a video of themselves using your product, they must respect their intellectual property rights while utilizing the content.

Example: A food delivery service must ensure it doesn’t use copyrighted music in a user-generated video without the creator’s consent.

2. Content Moderation:

Filtering Inappropriate Content: Implement content moderation systems to filter out inappropriate, offensive, or inappropriate content that doesn’t align with your brand values. Platforms like Instagram allow businesses to filter comments and automatically hide those that contain specific keywords.

Example: An educational platform may filter out comments containing hate speech or harmful content to maintain a safe online community.

Ensuring Quality and Relevance: It’s essential to curate UGC to maintain the quality and relevance of the content you use in your marketing. While you want to preserve authenticity, not all user-generated content will be suitable for promotional purposes. Choose content that best represents your brand and resonates with your target audience.

Example: A tourism agency may select user-generated photos and videos that showcase breathtaking travel experiences to entice potential travelers.

3. Campaign Strategy:

Setting Clear Goals: Before launching a UGC campaign, define clear and measurable objectives. Determine what you aim to achieve, such as increasing brand awareness, boosting sales, or engaging with your audience. Setting specific goals will help you track the success of your UGC ads.

Example: An e-commerce site running a UGC campaign may set a goal of increasing website traffic by 20% over the next three months.

Incentivizing Users to Create Content: Encourage your customers and followers to contribute to UGC by providing incentives. This could include discounts, contests, or recognition. By offering rewards, you motivate users to engage with your brand and create valuable content.

Example: A beauty brand may run a contest where participants can win a free product in exchange for creating a makeup tutorial using the brand’s products and sharing it on social media.

Successfully implementing UGC ads in your marketing strategy involves navigating legal considerations, moderating content to ensure quality, and strategically planning your campaigns. When executed effectively, UGC can be a powerful tool for building brand trust and engagement.

Challenges and Risks

1. Potential for Harmful Content:

Implement robust content moderation tools and policies to filter offensive, harmful, or inappropriate content. Respond promptly to any flagged content and enforce community guidelines.

Example: Social media platforms like Instagram allow businesses to filter comments, hide inappropriate content, and report abusive users. In addition, companies like YouTube use automated content analysis to identify and remove harmful content.

2. Managing Privacy Concerns:

Respect user privacy by obtaining explicit consent for content usage. Clearly communicate how their content will be used and assure users of data protection. Be transparent about data collection and storage practices.

Example: Airbnb obtains user consent before sharing their listings on the platform. They also have privacy settings, allowing users to control the visibility of their information.

3. Maintaining Control Over Brand Image:

Develop clear brand guidelines and establish criteria for user-generated content that aligns with your brand’s image and values. Collaborate with influencers or users who closely match your brand identity.

Example: Apple maintains strict brand control by curating UGC that aligns with its minimalistic and premium image. They choose content that complements their aesthetic and message.

Addressing these challenges and risks effectively is essential for a successful UGC advertising campaign. By employing appropriate strategies and learning from successful UGC video examples, brands can harness the benefits of user-generated content while managing potential pitfalls.


In summary, User-Generated Content (UGC) Ads have become a game-changer in advertising. Their importance is undeniable, as they offer unparalleled authenticity and trust in the eyes of consumers. UGC Ads provide the benefits of building trust and credibility through real-life experiences, driving higher engagement, and offering cost-effective marketing solutions.

As we look to the future of advertising, UGC Ads are poised to play an even more significant role. In an age of increasing skepticism towards traditional advertising, authentic content created by users will continue to be vital for building genuine connections with the audience.

We encourage businesses to embrace the power of UGC in their marketing strategies. It’s not just a trend; it’s a sustainable way to foster brand loyalty, engage customers, and drive growth. You can craft a brand narrative that resonates in the digital age by harnessing your customers’ creativity and passion.