According to a recent study, UGC video are more successful in producing emotional intensity—84% for UGC compared to 77% for branded content.

Now that you know what it’s worth, let’s discuss “What’s the user-generated video?”

User-generated video content (UGVC) refers to videos not produced or owned by brands or professionals but generated by consumers or users. Users freely produce its content, usually related to individual cases, personal views, reviews, or creativity. This type of content has gained immense popularity due to the widespread use of social media platforms that allow users to easily create, share, and engage with videos.

What are UGC Videos?

UGC Videos refer to videos created by consumers, not brands or professionals. They encompass a diverse range of authentic and relatable content, including product reviews, creative expressions, challenges, personal stories, and collaborative projects. UGC Videos are characterized by their genuine nature and are often shared on social media platforms.

How Much to Charge for UGC Video?

The price can vary greatly depending on several factors, including:

Your Experience:

  • New creators: Beginners typically charge between $50-$150 per video.
  • Established creators: Creators with experience and a robust UGC Creator Portfolio can charge significantly more, ranging from $500 to $3000+ per video.

Content Complexity:

  • Simple videos: Shorter, unscripted videos require less time and effort and cost less.
  • Complex videos: Videos with scripts, props, special effects, or editing add to the production cost and will be priced higher.

Video Length:

  • Short videos: Shorter videos (under 30 seconds) will typically cost less than longer ones (1-3 minutes).

Brand Budget:

  • Small businesses: Smaller brands may have smaller budgets, impacting your potential charging range.
  • Large companies: Larger companies often have larger budgets and may be willing to pay more for high-quality UGC.

Platform Usage:

  • Personal use: Videos for personal use may command a lower UGC price than those intended for commercial purposes.
  • Branded content: Videos used in marketing campaigns typically cost more due to the associated usage rights.

Your Audience Size:

  • Nano-influencers: Creators with under 10,000 followers might charge $50-$100 per video.
  • Micro-influencers: Creators with 10,000-50,000 followers might charge $200-$500 per video.
  • Macro-influencers: Creators with 50,000-1 million followers might charge $500-$3,000+ per video.

Additional factors:

  • Revisions: Include the cost of potential revisions in your quote.
  • Usage rights: Specify the usage rights granted to the brand (e.g., exclusive vs. non-exclusive).
  • Licensing fees: Consider music or stock footage licensing costs.

Here are some resources to help you determine your UGC video pricing:

Types of UGC Videos

There are different types of UGC videos available on the internet, but these are the most beneficial for brands-

1. Product Reviews/Testimonials (UGC Video):

User-generated video content featuring firsthand experiences with products, offering authentic reviews or testimonials to assist others in making informed purchasing decisions.

2. Creative Expressions (UGC Video):

Original video content showcasing individual creativity and unique expressions, encouraging users to share their artistic talents, be it through visual arts, performances, or storytelling.

3. Challenges and Trends (UGC Video):

Videos addressing current industry challenges or exploring emerging trends, inviting users to contribute insights and engage in discussions on the latest developments.

4. Unboxing and Demos (UGC Video):

User-created videos capture the excitement of unboxing new products and provide demonstrations, allowing viewers to experience the product virtually before purchase.

5. Personal Stories (UGC Video):

Video narratives share personal experiences, emotions, and perspectives, fostering community as users connect through shared stories and relatable content.

6. Collaborative Projects (UGC Video):

Video content produced through collective efforts showcasing collaborative projects where users come together to create, contribute, and share their skills or ideas in a joint venture.

Importance of UGC Video:

User-generated video content holds significant importance in marketing for several reasons:

1. User Generated Video Content is Inexpensive:

Cost-Effectiveness: It is generally cheaper compared to professionally made content. Production costs are irrelevant because users develop and distribute content free of charge for brands.

2. More Effective Than Brand-Generated Videos:

When it comes to user-generated video content, it performs better. Typically, people believe those of other consumers over information that is branded. These authentic user reviews and testimonials can substantially impact purchasing decisions.

3. Fulfills The Consumer’s expectations of User-Generated Content:

Consumers demand genuine, personable content in current digital environments. This expectation is met through user-generated videos, which are relatable and present an honest view of reality that consumers who prefer authenticity relate to easily.

4. Boosts Brand Authenticity & Dependability:

User-generated content is vital in marketing strategies – it makes brands seem authentic. Real people interact with and validate the brand, thus giving credibility and trust.

Brands can use consumer-generated videos to tell authentic stories and experiences of consumers with the brand to develop a close connection with their consumer group and build community around their brand.

How to collect UGC Videos?

Collecting User-Generated Video Content (UGC) requires a thoughtful approach to engage your audience effectively. Here’s a detailed guide on different methods:

1. Influencer Marketing:

Collaborate with influencers within your niche or industry. These influencers can authentically showcase your products or services, encouraging their dedicated followers to create UGC Videos. By tapping into the influencer’s credibility and loyal audience, you can generate impactful UGC.

2. Hashtag Contests:

Initiate UGC campaigns or challenges with a specific branded hashtag. Encourage your audience to create UGC Videos using the hashtag, making tracking and gathering content easy. Consider incorporating rewards for the best entries to boost participation and generate a buzz around your brand.

3. Visual Content Engagement:

Engage your audience with visually appealing templates or ideas that inspire them to create UGC Videos. Provide UGC tools, filters, or templates that align with your brand, allowing users to express their creativity while ensuring a consistent visual style that reinforces brand identity.

4. Customer-Centric Content:

Shift the focus to your customers by inviting them to share their stories through UGC Videos. Request video testimonials or encourage users to narrate their experiences with your products or services. This approach creates authentic content and strengthens the bond between your brand and its community.

5. UGC Platforms:

Leverage UGC platforms that streamline collecting, moderating, and showcasing UGC. These platforms aggregate content from various social media channels, offering a centralized dashboard for content curation. You can select the most relevant and impactful UGC with moderation features, ensuring only the best content is highlighted.

6. Collaboration with User Communities:

Actively engage with user communities related to your brand or industry. Participate in forums, online groups, or social media communities where your audience congregates. By building relationships and fostering a sense of community, you can encourage users to share their UGC directly with your brand.

7. Personalized Campaigns:

Craft personalized UGC campaigns that resonate with your audience. Tailor your approach based on your brand’s values and the interests of your target demographic. You can stimulate organic and meaningful UGC creation by aligning your campaigns with your audience’s preferences.

Remember, the key to a successful UGC collection is fostering a genuine connection with your audience and providing them with the tools and incentives to express themselves creatively while interacting with your brand.

A platform for Collecting UGC Videos

Brands are sourcing user-generated video content from different platforms where users produce and exchange videos. Here are some primary platforms where UGC videos can be found:

  1. Instagram: User-generated videos are also a source of visual UGC content on Instagram. Brands can access UGC through tagged posts, stories, reels, and IGTV. This platform can also assist in gathering UGC by engaging with users through branded hashtags or encouraging user tagging.
  1. TikTok: TikTok is famous for quick, appealing videos. Brands can seek UGC on TikTok by searching for trending hashtags related to their niche, collaborating with UGC creators, or initiating branded challenges that urge users to produce videos relevant to the brand.
  1. YouTube: Users generate a vast amount of video content on YouTube. Brands may find UGC in video comments, responses to brand-related content, or collaborations with YouTube creators representing their brand values and target audience.

Make Your Task Easy with UGC Platforms

You can collect, curate, and display UGC in simple steps. And these are some benefits of using a UGC tool:

  1. Content Aggregation: Brands can collect UGC from diverse social media channels like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and more, bringing all this content together in one centralized dashboard.
  1. Moderation and Curation: UGC tools offer features to moderate and curate UGC, allowing brands to select the most relevant, impactful, and brand-aligned content. This ensures that only the best content is showcased to the audience.
  1. Customizable Display Options: UGC tools have multiple display options and customization features. Brands can embed this curated UGC on their websites, digital screens, event displays, or marketing campaigns to increase engagement and credibility.
  1. Real-Time Updates: These platforms offer real-time updates, ensuring that the displayed UGC remains fresh and up-to-date with the latest content shared by users across different social media platforms.
  1. Analytics and Insights: These tools provide analytics tools to track the performance of the curated UGC. Brands can gain insights into user engagement, interaction, and the impact of the displayed content on their marketing efforts.

Ultimately, UGC platforms streamline the process of gathering, managing, and showcasing UGC, empowering brands to leverage authentic user-generated video content effectively to bolster their marketing strategies.

Over To You

User-generated video Content (UGVC) is created by users, not brands. It’s diverse- authentic and relatable—reviews, challenges, and personal stories. 

UGVC is crucial as it’s cost-effective, more effective than brand-generated content, meets consumer expectations, and builds brand authenticity. Brands can leverage UGVC by showcasing it on websites, in ads, displays, and emails. 

To produce UGVC, engage influencers, run contests, encourage visual content, and focus on customer stories. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are rich sources of UGVC.