TikTok, the short-form video phenomenon, has taken the world by storm. But beyond the catchy dances and viral trends lies a goldmine for brands: User-Generated Content (UGC).

UGC refers to content created by users, not brands. On TikTok, this translates to videos showcasing real people’s experiences with a product, service, or brand. Unlike traditional advertising, UGC feels authentic and relatable, fostering a powerful connection with viewers.

What is UGC on TikTok?

TikTok UGC stands for TikTok User-Generated Content. It refers to any UGC video content created by regular TikTok users that features a specific brand, product, or service.

In simpler terms, it’s when people on TikTok make videos daily about their experiences with a brand, unlike traditional ads made by the brand itself. These videos can be reviews, tutorials, challenges, reactions, or anything creative that showcases the brand.

TikTok UGC

Why TikTok UGC Reigns Supreme

  • Organic Reach on Steroids: Break free from algorithm limitations. When users create content featuring your brand, you tap into their audience, exponentially expanding your reach.
  • Authenticity wins every time. People trust people more than ads. Visual UGC showcases genuine experiences, building trust and credibility that resonates with potential customers.
  • Engagement on Fire: UGC sparks conversations. Viewers connect with relatable content, leading to higher engagement through comments, shares, and likes.
  • Brand Advocacy Takes Flight: When users create positive UGC, they become brand advocates. They’re essentially vouching for your brand, increasing its appeal and trustworthiness.

TikTok UGC Campaign Examples:

#DoYourThingChallenge by Duolingo: This language learning app launched a dance challenge with a branded hashtag. Users posted fun videos incorporating learning a new language, generating immense buzz and brand awareness.

#UtensilHack by Dawn Dish Soap: Dawn encouraged users to share creative hacks using everyday utensils for cleaning. This UGC campaign showcased product versatility in a fun and user-driven way.

Customer Testimonials by Fenty Beauty: Fenty Beauty highlights user-created videos featuring makeup transformations using their products. This strategy authenticates the brand’s effectiveness and diverse appeal.

Why Do You Have to Apply UGC on TikTok?

  • Engagement Reigns Supreme: Influencer Marketing Hub says TikTok boasts the strongest social media engagement rates per post. This means users are likelier to comment, share, and like UGC than other platforms.
  • Surpassing the Ads: Studies show that UGC ads on TikTok are 22% more effective than brand-created videos. They even outperform Facebook ads by 32% and regular ads by 46%.
  • Discovery Engine: TikTok’s unique algorithm can expose UGC to a vast audience. According to TikTok, a staggering 39% of TikTok users discovered new products or brands through the platform in 2022.
  • The Power of Trust: UGC builds trust and authenticity. 47% of TikTok users reported buying something they saw on the platform, highlighting the influence of user-created content on purchasing decisions.

Types of UGC on TikTok

  • Hashtag Challenges: Create a catchy branded hashtag challenge that encourages users to participate with their creative video responses. Offer incentives like contests or shoutouts to fuel participation.
  • User-Generated Ads: Repurpose UGC into TikTok ads. Seeing real people enjoying your brand builds trust and resonates more deeply than traditional ads.
  • Collaborate with Creators: Partner with relevant TikTok UGC creators who align with your brand. Their established audience and creative expertise can generate high-quality UGC that resonates with their followers.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Who doesn’t love a good giveaway? Run contests that require users to create UGC to participate. This incentivizes content creation and boosts engagement.

Pro Tips for Mastering Your TikTok UGC Strategy

  • Showcase User Creativity: Don’t be afraid to feature the best UGC on your brand’s TikTok page. This shows appreciation for your audience and encourages further participation.
  • Respond and Engage: The magic of social media lies in interaction. Respond to comments, answer questions, and thank users who create UGC. This fosters a community around your brand.
  • Align with Brand Values: Ensure all UGC aligns with your brand message and target audience. Maintain a curated feed that reflects your brand identity.
  • Track and Analyze: Data is king! Monitor the performance of your UGC campaigns, analyze engagement metrics, and adjust your strategy based on insights.
TikTok UGC Campaigns

How to Build a TikTok UGC Strategy

Here’s a breakdown of the steps to craft a powerful TikTok UGC strategy:

  • Know Your Audience: It starts with understanding who you want to reach. Analyze your target audience’s demographics and interests and determine what content resonates with them on TikTok.
  • Define Your UGC Goals: What do you want to achieve with your UGC campaign? Increase brand awareness, drive sales, or build brand loyalty? Having clear goals helps tailor your approach.
  • Craft Engaging Content Ideas: Think beyond traditional ads! Consider fun challenges, tutorials, product reviews, or user testimonials that authentically showcase your brand.
  • Spark UGC with Branded Hashtags: Create a catchy and unique branded hashtag to encourage user participation. Promote it across your social media channels and encourage users to include it in their UGC.
  • Partner with Relevant Creators: Collaborate with TikTok UGC creators who align with your brand and target audience. Leverage their creativity and established audience to generate high-quality UGC.
  • Incentivize Participation (Optional): Consider running contests or giveaways that require users to create UGC to participate. This can be a great way to jumpstart your campaign and generate initial content.
  • Facilitate User-Generated Ads: Repurpose high-performing UGC into TikTok ads. Seeing real people enjoying your brand builds trust and resonates more deeply than traditional ads.
  • Showcase User Creativity: Feature the best UGC on your brand’s TikTok page. This shows appreciation for your audience and encourages further participation in your campaign.
  • Respond and Engage: Social media thrives on interaction. Respond to comments, answer questions, and thank users who create UGC. This fosters a community around your brand.
  • Track and Analyze: Monitor the performance of your UGC campaign. Look at engagement metrics, reach, and conversions. Use these insights to refine your strategy and optimize your content for better results.

Following these steps and continuously adapting your approach can build a thriving TikTok UGC strategy that fuels brand growth and engagement.


TikTok UGC is a powerful marketing tool in the ever-evolving social media landscape. You can build brand loyalty, expand your reach, and achieve incredible results by harnessing its authenticity and engagement. So, unleash your audience’s creativity and watch your brand thrive on TikTok!